First slide

You can use few icons in the content

What we do

Second slide

What we do

Third Slide

You can combine text with icons

What we do

Разделы сайта

What we do We create ideas with passion! See our current works

Icons in the content


The gk_creativity Image Show style allows you to specify icons in the slide content.


To achieve this effect you have to use the following syntax in the title/text:








In the above example we have used the following settings

Slide 1

Image: #7484ff

Title: First slide

Text: You can use few icons in the content

Slide 2

Image: #7484ff

Title: Second slide

Text: [anim-opacity][icon-mobile-phone,66,wibrateanim2] [icon-heart,66,pulseanim] [icon-bell,66,flickeranim] [icon-spinner,66,spin]

Slide 3

Image: #7484ff

Title: Third slide

Text: [icon-info] You can combine text with icons

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